Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Longest Week of School Ends with Goodbye

Well, we all made it through our first and longest week back to school without too much trouble. Honestly this week has felt so normal that it feels like we never had a break. Nevertheless...our hands are tired of writing, our brains are sick of thinking, and drama is once again flooding our teenage lives. Our little community is flooding with gossip and all of the craziness we experienced two weeks ago.
Not only have these factors of our lives returned, but also many of our attitudes. Christmas seems to bring a light-hearted attitude. Friends get along. We go out of the way to do nice things for others. We eat cookies together in all our classes. And, we find ourselves in a happier and brighter place where everything is well and everyone gets along.
The after-Christmas period however, seems to be a time of frustration in school. Kids go back to treating others as if they don't care what is happening with them and they neglect how they may feel towards certain situations. The overall tone of school this week was by far one of the dullest there has been in a while.

Today started out differently than all the rest of the days this week. I typically roll out of bed about fifteen minutes after my alarm attempts to wake me from my sleep. I then proceed in doing all the necessary things to get ready for school, eat breakfast, hop in the car, and off I go. But today was special. Today a dear friend left for Germany and will be there for the next eight months. So, as my alarm began to ring I began the usual roll and as it hit me that Louissa would be leaving I jumped up and ran to shower. I speedily got ready (so as to have enough time to visit her before school) and as I went downstairs to get my breakfast my mom informed me that my dad had taken my car today...leaving me to ride the bus and with no time to go visit Louissa.
And then, miraculously, I thought of something! Alexis was going in to school late because she was going to visit Louissa as well, and reluctantly, m

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